Do you know which people risks provide the greatest threat to your business and how to mitigate them?
公司需要问问自己:“我们能给人们更多的安全保障吗, flexibility and better health while also facing up to the business challenges of lowering costs, 应对运营中断和增加流动性?”
\n答案是肯定的, but only for those organisations that get the basics right and ensure they have strong ERM practices in place.
在员工和更广泛的利益相关者之间建立信任, 包括客户, 是谜题的重要部分吗. Our wider research shows that employer responses during the pandemic impacted staff sentiment. 在ESG问题意识日益增强的时代, 企业必须更加努力地赢得员工的信任, 客户, 投资者和监管机构.
随着我们从大流行的高峰期继续前进, 环境, 社会, and governance issues (ESG) gain traction and businesses face new supply chain and talent threats. It is more critical than ever to manage people risks as part of a broader approach to enterprise risk management (ERM). HR, risk managers and the C-suite should work closely together to ensure that threats are identified, 评估和缓解 适当地.
The consequences of getting this wrong are significant, as evidenced by our 人类风险报告2022. 我们发现,企业面临的最大风险是网络安全和隐私, 管理和信托, 以及灾难性的个人98858威尼斯70570事件.
公司需要问问自己:“我们能给人们更多的安全保障吗, flexibility and better health while also facing up to the business challenges of lowering costs, 应对运营中断和增加流动性?”
答案是肯定的, but only for those organisations that get the basics right and ensure they have strong ERM practices in place.
在员工和更广泛的利益相关者之间建立信任, 包括客户, 是谜题的重要部分吗. Our wider research shows that employer responses during the pandemic impacted staff sentiment. 在ESG问题意识日益增强的时代, 企业必须更加努力地赢得员工的信任, 客户, 投资者和监管机构.
排在前五大风险之后的是工作性质的变化. The degree to which flexible working has evolved over the last two years merits examination and a resetting of practices. 伟大的辞职, 公司现在必须解决这个新出现的问题来吸引, 在未来留住和吸引员工.
The top people risk that faces businesses today is cybersecurity and data privacy. This is not surprising given the geopolitical landscape and data breaches at major organisations that occurred over the past year.
全球第二大风险是管理和信托. 不能准确地管理福利和补偿计划, fairly and in accordance with promises made quite rightly has companies concerned. 错误和未履行的义务可能导致声誉受损, 以及监管行动和处罚.
灾难性的个人98858威尼斯70570事件是全球第三大风险, 第四是大流行病和其他传染性疾病. This highlights the need for employee support and other proactive strategies to navigate future crises, 包括那些源于气候变化的, 通货膨胀/利率上升, 大流行, 经济衰退或暴力冲突.
排在前五大风险之后的是工作性质的变化. The degree to which flexible working has evolved over the last two years merits examination and a resetting of practices. 伟大的辞职, 公司现在必须解决这个新出现的问题来吸引, 在未来留住和吸引员工.
健康 & 安全
- 大流行 & 其他传染性健康状况
- 员工健康 & 幸福
- 心理健康
- 员工疲惫
- 与工作有关的疾病或伤害
治理 & 金融
- 管理和信托
- 增加健康、风险保护和福利福利的成本
- 福利、政策和奖励决策 & 问责制
- 法律、合规和财务实践
- 养老金财务风险
- 网络安全和数据隐私
- 自动化和人工智能的影响
- 人力资源技术过时
- 人力资源和业务战略不一致
- 技能的退化
- 工作性质的改变
- 人才吸引、保留和参与
- 继任和关键人物风险
- 行为与文化
- 旅行和交通
环境 & 社会
- 灾难性的个人98858威尼斯70570事件
- 环境
- 工作条件和劳资关系
- 多样性、公平和包容
- 领导问题
Download the 'People Risk 2022' to find out the top people risks impacting businesses
对于人员风险的每一个支柱,组织复杂性都是一个很高的障碍. As businesses continue to grow and threats are present across traditionally siloed work areas, organisations are struggling to define who is responsible for owning a particular mitigation effort, 因此,在充分应对潜在风险方面存在差距.
因此,人力资源经理和风险经理必须协同工作. 幸运的是, the 人类风险报告2022 research shows a strong alignment between these groups when it comes to the top issues facing businesses. 现在, organisations should capitalise on this alignment and continue to break down siloes to further enhance collaboration on risk identification and mitigation.
Difficulties that change personal behaviours are also identified as a key barrier. 因此,建立ERM文化至关重要. 风险文化建立在共同的组织价值观基础之上, 态度和行为, with visible and accountable leadership backed up by shared responsibilities and actions by all members of staff. 风险既是威胁,也是机遇, 所以是多学科的, deliberate and well-coordinated approach is needed to help develop effective measures that mitigate threats and take opportunities.
Our “Age of Adaptability” report indicates that 88% of HR teams have seen more involvement in benefits from the C-suite. Risk managers and HR teams therefore must take their disciplines to the next level.
这意味着要发展更深思熟虑的方法来倾听员工的意见, 利益和业务目标之间的紧密联系, and judicious cost management focused on value and multi-year benefit strategies. Some are tweaking values and cultures to promote human-centric leadership, justice and purpose. 随着ESG的兴起, 许多组织都在寻求建立可持续发展的员工文化, 包括实现整体幸福. 在这个场景中, it will be more challenging to make cuts to benefits as many have done in the past to keep benefit budgets affordable. 因此, cost management instead of cost shifting to employees is needed; for example, steering employees through plan design to higher-quality points of care to reduce complications, 或者在适当的时候使用虚拟护理.
How are employee, customer, investor and regulator expectations around ESG impacting the business?
多样性、公平和包容是我们的盲点吗? Are the needs of the diverse workforce reflected in the employee benefit programmes?
是否可以更积极地管理心理健康, and what impact could this have on insurance needs in areas such as director and officer coverage or key person risk?
吸引的困难是什么, 留住和吸引影响业务运营的人才, 客户体验和盈利能力?
Are there opportunities to further strengthen the culture to aid employee retention and improve risk management practices?